¿Qué es james martin?

miniaturadeimagen|Dr James
Martin. James Martin (1933 - 24 de junio de 2013)12 fue consultor de Tecnología de Información y escritor británico. Martin fue nominado para un premio Pulitzer por su libro The Wired Society: A Challenge for Tomorrow (1977).34


Martin escribió más de cien libros5 muchos de los cuales fueron éxitos de ventas en la industria de tecnología de la información. Una selección:

  • 1965. Programming real-time computer systems.
  • 1967. Design of real-time computer systems.
  • 1969. Telecommunications and the computer.
  • 1971. Future developments in telecommunications
  • 1972. Introduction to teleprocessing.
  • 1972. Systems analysis for data transmission.
  • 1973. Design of man-computer dialogues.
  • 1973. Security, accuracy, and privacy in computer systems.
  • 1978. Wired society.
  • 1981. End-user's guide to data base.
  • 1980. Managing the data base environment
  • 1981. Information engineering.
  • 1982. Viewdata and the information society.
  • 1983. Software maintenance : the problem and its solutions. With Carma McClure.
  • 1984. Recommended diagramming standards for analysts and programmers : a basis for automation
  • 1985. Diagramming techniques for analysts and programmers. With Carma McClure.
  • 1985. Fourth-generation languages.
  • 1985. System design from provably correct constructs : the beginnings of true software engineering.
  • 1986. Wired world : towards a greater understanding of the world information economy. With Simon Grant and the Atwater Institute.
  • 1988. Structured techniques : the basis for CASE
  • 1989. Strategic information planning methodologies.
  • 1992. Object-oriented analysis and design.
  • 2000. After the Internet: Alien Intelligence.
  • 2006. The Meaning of the 21st Century.


Enlaces externos

Fuente original: james martin. Compartido con Licencia Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0


  1. About James Martin: Extended Biography from jamesmartin.com

  2. About James Martin: Books Written from jamesmartin.com
